Reading an Image/Reception Theory

The advert sports a black and white colour scheme which portrays a life and death situation, which could’ve been purposefully used to shed light on 50 Cent's past - being shot 9 times and surviving. Furthermore, the text being littered with “O’s” again presents the idea of bullet holes. The fingerprints hint at a crime scene/investigation, however it can also be interpreted that reebok could be trying to help their audience in finding their own identity. "I am what i am" emphasises this interpretation even more. This quote from 50 Cent is done to empower the audience and that despite their past they should not feel ashamed and take everyday not for granted. I think that they had 50 Cent have direct address with the audience -serious facial expression- to emphasise the message "I am what I am.” 50 wearing a baseball cap backwards, earrings and a chain all portray the theme of gangs and crime. The black background behind him suggests his dark past however the lighting on his face presents how the present and future have far outshone his past. It is purposefully done so that despite whatever you look like, your looks don’t define you and you are what you are and if people don't accept that then it’s okay. 

The most obvious reading of this advert is that Lucozade wants us -their audience- to see that this poster was targeted for people who feel passionate with sports and that the drink was concocted to boost people of those qualifications. It comes out as quite braggadocios, and tells us that Lucozade aspires to be the best sports energy drink in the world. The partnership with Gareth Bale -world renowned footballer- portrays the idea that we will end up buying more of this product just because we see someone as great and as famous as Gareth Bale drinking it/being associated with it. However, an oppositional reading to the poster could be that the audience may end up believing that this advert is quite sexist -as this ad only shows a male superstar, which could suggest that Lucozade is only for men rather than women and that they believe that only males can drink it and go on to pursue amazing careers in sports.

Reception Theory

1) What are the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings for the RBK 50 Cent advert?

The preferred reading for the RBK 50 Cent advert is that Reebok wants to target a younger "angsty" demographic, and come across as different to other brands, using 50 Cent in their advert. Using Star Power (50 Cent) helps Reebok brand their product as a cool hip-hop fashion trend in which Reebok hopes their young audience likes and will try to recreate It also feels like Reebok wants their audience to take pride of who they are. The oppositional reading for this advert however, is that Reebok could be seen to be glamorising crime/criminals. This is shown through the fingerprints indicating a crime scene as well as the use of the artist in this advert, (50 Cent) known for being involved with gangs in the past and that he was shot 9 times. The statement "I am what I am" reinforces the message that there is nothing wrong with a criminal lifestyle which isn't exactly the message Reebok wanted to interpret to their younger audience.

2) What are the preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings for the advert of your own choice that you analysed for last week's work?

The preferred reading of this advert is that Lucozade wants their audience to see that this product is created for sportsmen and that their drink is designed to fuel sportsmen and be the best fitness drink. The use of Gareth Bale reinforces this as the audience may buy this drink due to the fact that Bale is also drinking it. However, the oppositional reading of this advert is that audiences may believe this advert is only for the males rather than females and that Lucozade believes only males can pursue careers in sports.

3) How useful is Reception theory when analysing media products? 

Reception theory is very significant when analysing media products as it allows us to view everyone's opinions on media products, linking to De Saussure's belief that all media products are polysemic, meaning they are up for interpretation. Everyone has their own beliefs and perspectives on different media products therefore reception theory is very important as producers will try to avoid creating certain symbols/connotations that will upset their audience in order for the media product to be a success. However Reception theory allows the producers to hear their audiences opinions made on their media product therefore being able to improve in general for any misconceptions that are made in their media product.


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