Mag LRs

WWW: I really like the perspective of the image – you’ve managed to get the focus right and the comically enormous hand works well. It’s a striking image that works well as a cover shoot. You’ve also recreated the unauthorised Tyler, the Creator Rolling Stone cover well but the issue is that it’s a not a real Rolling Stone cover so from a media language and conventions perspective it’s missing quite a bit. However, I do agree that you’ve recreated that particular Kanye cover effectively. I also think your evaluation is good – reflective and thoughtful.
EBI: One element of your evaluation that I appreciate but possibly don’t agree with is regarding the background to the central image. I see your point on the grungy look but I feel the background takes something away from how striking the image is and therefore dilutes the effect somewhat. The biggest issue though is that you’ve recreated a magazine cover that isn’t genuine and if you look at the other Rolling Stone cover you put it alongside (Silk Sonic) the use of cover lines and the format of the main flash/cover line is quite different to what you’ve created. For your coursework next year it’s really important that your work is somewhat conventional as this is how a lot of the marks for media language are allocated.

I understand after reading your feedback how the choice of cover kind of held me back and was quite questionable. However I do appreciate the praises you give me as well as there were things I did intentionally in the recreation in order to attracted observers. I also reflect on how different this is and how unique it is regarding my approach to it. What I feel I could've done better is include some sort of barcode as featured on the OG, I had a barcode there before, but for some reason I took it of the cover. I also do understand how next to official covers it looks quite unprofessional in a sense. All this aside but taken in, I'm ready for the second chance I get to make something like this next year and will definitely improve, thank you.


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